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The activities at Jacques Cartier’s museum

The bedroom

The bedroom

Since 1984, the Jacques Cartier Museum proposes guided tours. You will take advantage of specialized bookshop about the themes developed in the museum and temporary exhibitions.

Accompanied by a guide, you will discover the rooms of the manor fully refurbished to recall the atmosphere that prevailed in the XVIth century when it was occupied by its famous owner.

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During the tour, different themes are highlighted, most notably :


  • The voyages of Cartier in Canada
  • Daily life in the XVIth century
  • Navigation at the time of the great discoveries.


Multi media presentation

Multi media projection - La grande et la petite histoire de l'Amérique Française

To complete the tour of the museum, a multi media presentation La Grande et la Petite Histoire de l'Amérique Française, enables you to follow the trail of the french explorers in New-France.

About the tours