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The remembrance of Jacques Cartier
Many places commemorates Jacques Cartier in France and in Canada
Mosaic presented by the Premier of Quebec, Mr Honoré Mercier.
Saint-Malo Cathedral
Here Jacques Cartier knelt to be blessed by the bishop of Saint-Malo on his departure to discover Canada, May 16th 1535.
Honoré Mercier, Premier of Quebec, to commemorate his visit in Brittany
Bust presented to the City of Paris by the France-Canada Association
Place du Canada, Paris
Léon Drivier (1878-1951), sculptor
July 2nd, 1934
On July 1534, Jacques Cartier of Saint-Malo landed in Canada and took possession of New-France on behalf of Francis the 1st, the King of France
Bust of Jacques Cartier
Place du Canada, Rothéneuf, Saint-Malo, France
After his three voyages to Canada, Jacques Cartier lived in his manor house called Limoëlou in Rotheneuf near Saint-Malo
Bust of Jacques Cartier presented by the government of France to commemorate the fourth centennial of the birth of Canada
Jacques-Cartier bridge, Montréal, Canada
September 1st 1934
Chapel where Jacques Cartier prayed before his first voyage to Canada.
Rothéneuf, Saint-Malo, France
"Here prayed Jacques Cartier 1534-1934"
Monument presented to the province of Prince Edward Island to commemorate the discovery of the island by Jacques Cartier on July 1st 1534.
Jacques Cartier Provincial Park, Kildare (P.E.I.), Canada
July 1969
Inscription :
This figure of Jacques Cartier was presented in July 1969, to the Province of Prince Edward Island by David M. Stewart, president of Macdonald Tobacco Inc. In honour of the founder of the compagny, Sir William C. Macdonald, born at Tracadie, P.E.I., in 1831.
Monument erected by the government of Quebec
Place Jacques Cartier, Quebec, Canada
Commemorative plaque added in 1971
A tribute of Saint-Malo, birthplace of Jacques Cartier, to the city of Quebec, on the occasion of the visit from the Mayor of Saint-Malo
June 11th 1971
Statue of Jacques Cartier erected in 1905, thanks to French and Canadian contributions.
Bastion de la Hollande, Saint-Malo (Intra-Muros)
July 23rd, 1905
This monument was erected July 23rd, 1905, while Charles Jouanjan was the mayor of Saint-Malo, with the benefit of contributions collected in Canada by Théodore Botrel and in France by a Saint-Malo committee
Monument erected by the citizens of the Saint-Henri neighborhood
Montréal, Canada
June 14th 1893
To Jacques Cartier, born in Saint-Malo, December 1st, 1491. Sent by Francis the 1st to discover Canada in april 20th 1534. Reaching the entrance of the St.Lawrence River, on July 16th of the same year. He took possession of the land on behalf of the king his master, and named it New France.
Vincent, sculptor, Montréal, 1893
Cartier-Brébeuf monument, erected by the Government of Canada.
Cartier-Brébeuf Park, Québec, Canada
Inscription translation
Jacques Cartier and his brave men, the crews of the Grande-Hermine, the Petite-Hermine, and the Emerillon, wintered here in 1534-1535.
The 3rd of May 1536, Jacques Cartier erected, on the site where he wintered, a 35 feet high cross, with a crest bearing a fleur-de-lys and an inscription : " Franciscus Primus, Dei Gratia, Francorum Rex Regnat"

Stelae erected by the government of Canada
Musée Régional de la Gaspésie, Gaspé, Canada
By Pierre Bourgault, sculptor
June 19th 1982
On the 14th of July 1534, the two ships commanded by Jacques Cartier of Saint-Malo sought shelters in Gaspé Bay, where they remained for 11 days.
Here Cartier met and established friendly relations with a large fishing party of Saint-Lawrence River Iroquois from Stadacona, today Quebec City. On the 24th of July he erected a cross bearing the arms of Francis the 1st on the shores of Gaspé harbor, thus establishing a basis for French claims to this part of America.
Cartier set sail for France, taking with him the two sons of chief Donnacona who were to act his guides on his second voyage to Canada.
Tombstone of Jacques Cartier's grave
Saint-Malo Cathedral
Here lies the skull of Jacques Cartier, born in Saint-Malo de l'Isle, discoverer of Canada, who died in the year of 1557. His grave was discovered in this cathedral in the year of 1949.
Cross erected by the "Cercle Catholique de Québec"
Cartier-Brébeuf Park, Québec, Canada
Spring 1888
"1536, Franciscus Primus, Dei Gratia, Francorum Rex Regnat"
Granite cross erected by the government of Canada near the cathedral, Gaspé, Canada
July 24th 1934
In commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Jacques Cartier's landing at the entrance of this harbor on July 24th, 1535.
Cross erected where Jacques Cartier left Saint-Malo to discover Canada.
Sitting at the foot of the Solidor tower, it represents the cross that Jacques Cartier erected in Gaspé.
Saint-Servan, Saint-Malo, France
Commemorative plaque on the site of Charlesbourg-Royal.
Presented by the government of Canada
Cap-Rouge borough, Quebec City, Canada
Founded near the mouth of the Cap Rouge river in 1541 by Jacques Cartier, Charlesbourg-Royal was the base for France's first attempt to establish a colony in North America. Two forts were built and a number of settlers established temporarily there but the settlement was later abandoned after only one winter. Another group of settlers led by La Roque de Roberval arrived in 1542 when the site was re-named France-Roi. More buildings were erected but this effort also survived only a few months. It was more than 60 years before another attempt was made to colonize the Saint-Lawrence area.
Limoëlou Manor-House where Jacques Cartier spent the last 16 years of his life. Located near the small town of Rothéneuf (now a part of the city of Saint-Malo), it is the only built heritage left by the explorer:
Since 1984, it's a museum which tells the history of Jacques Cartier.
Tribute from the Historical and Archeological Society of the Region of Saint-Malo.
Jacques Cartier's Manor House, Rothéneuf (Saint-Malo)
July 24th, 1905
Commemorative plaque presented by the committee of the fourth centennial of Jacques Cartier in Montréal.
Mont-Royal belvedere, Montréal, Canada
Inscription :
On October 2nd 1535, Jacques Cartier, discoverer of Canada, climbed this mountain under the guidance of the Indians of the village of Hochelaga and, impressed by the beauty of the landscape displayed before his eyes, he gave it the name of Mount-Royal, from wich the city of Montréal took its name.
Commemorative plaque added in 1971 :
A tribute from Saint-Malo, birthplace of Jacques Cartier, to the city of Montréal, on the occasion of the visit of the Mayor of Saint-Malo, June 13th, 1971